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The X-mass Factor: A Problem within the Episcopal Church

"For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (Jeremiah 10:1-4)

Christmas is a bit of an ironic enigma. Professing Christians criticize the Catholics for keeping Jesus on the cross but every winter they put Him right back in the manger! Are they not violating the 2nd commandment of making "graven images" when they buy, build or promote little babies that are supposed to be the King of kings?

The debate can be that the Bible does not say to "don't" celebrate the birth of Christ but does that give someone the license "to" celebrate it in a most commercial and sacrilege way that they claim to be Christian?

If we are to worship the birth of our Savior then why do we do it with Santa Clause, reindeer, egg nog, elves, and gifts to each other placed under decorated trees? And, why is it that we follow in the footsteps of Roman worship with midnight services? Have the professing Christians forgotten that the very name of Christmas is derived from the Roman Christ Mass? And, why is it that there are no birthday commemorations in the Word of God except for Pharaoh's and Herod's?

Do professing Christians want to yoke-up with non-Christians who actually hate the name of Christ just to celebrate some festivities with bright lights and gifts? Perhaps sending cards with scripture will make us feel justified in our desires of the season. Are we not conforming to the world wearing a cloth of Christianity while some dress-up in a red suit with a fake beard?

If Christians are going to be judged by their idle words, how much more are they going to be judged by the hours of preparation and excitement for such a worldly and pagan holiday?

Finally (though there is so much more to add), how can anything the world "loves" be truly Christian? Jesus Christ says as recorded in John 7: 7, "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil." - TLV

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