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The Inconsistent Thought Process of

Replacement Theology


Most, if not all, adherents to the errant teaching of Replacement Theology also happen to be Calvinists, some even embrace the false teaching of infant baptism.  But when it comes to Israel they believe that God either changed His mind or lost His patience because of the stubborn idolatry of the Jewish people.

Now just the mention of Calvinism raises the hair on some people's neck.  But the fact is, God is sovereign in all things and saves whosoever He wills to save.  In other words, He will save all of His elect. This is an undeniable biblical truth that those who hold to Calvinism or the doctrines of grace will agree on.  And some of the most rebellious and stubborn sinners have been saved by grace.

Now the interesting thing about that is this:  the very same group of Replacement Theology people (Reformed Baptist, Presbyterians, etc.) will tell you that God will save His elect unconditionally because of His promise to do so.  But they will also tell you that because the Jewish people acted the very same way that the same God will cast them aside and so He has transferred blessings from Israel to the Church.

The questions now are:  Why would the Sovereign, Triune God of the Bible lose His patience and cast a people aside that He called "the apple of His eye" because they were stubborn and rebellious and replace them with a group of people who were stubborn and rebellious?  And, if the Sovereign God of the Bible changed His mind about Israel then what makes them think that He will not change His mind about the church?

It makes no sense which further exposes the arrogant inconsistency of those who hold a tight grip on Replacement Theology!

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