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The Holy Bible (KJV)

The best English version would be the one most closely translated from the original autograph. Too many modern translations omit original text thus loosing direct emphasis on the subject. Sadly (or pathetically), some neutralize gender thus attempting to make our Sovereign God neuter to appease the feminist liberals. Too bad for them because neither does it work nor affect the outcome.

The Coming Apocalypse by Dr. Renald E. Showers

A study of Replacement Theology vs. God's faithfulness in the end-times.  An easy to read and understandable book proving the veracity of God's word as related to Israel.  Dr. Showers easily discredits those who teach an allegorical approach to scripture and their false interpretation that the Church throughout history has replaced Israel.  



Strong's Bible Concordance

Not a book you sit down and read, though you could, but certainly a must for even the beginning Bible reader. Many have said that this is the best concordance to use while doing word studies or understanding the vernacular of the time.

The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink

Mr. Pink went through some ministry disappointments but he never faltered from his stand on God's absolute sovereignty in salvation.

Charismatic Chaos by John MacArthur

The Episcopal Church is not immune from this movement. In fact, some are embracing it. MacArthur clearly defines this errant movement from its beginnings to contemporary times. He clearly explains from a biblical view the deception church leaders have over their congregants.

The Evils of Infant Baptism by R.B.C. Howell

This classic book from the 1850s should be read by every practicing paedobaptist. He clearly and concisely explains the deception and trickery involved when infants are baptized. He discusses the scripturally unsupported practice, its distortion of universal depravity, and its conflict with the truth in regeneration.

Freewill-A Slave by Charles H. Spurgeon

Like A.W. Pink, Spurgeon was not without attacks by the theologically liberal movement of his day. Never the less, he stood solid on God's Sovereignty in salvation.

The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook by John F. Walvoord

So-called scholars can yoke with every other doctrine in the Bible but can not always become aligned on eschatology. Still, Dr. Walvoord understood prophecy better than most. He clearly takes the biblical view and scripturally supports it in this volume.

  The Attributes of GOD by A.W. Pink

    No true student of the Bible should be without this this book outlining the attributes of God.  Too many contemporary preachers attempt to      “chip away” at God’s attributes, such as wrath, omniscient and omnipotence.

    Pink clearly shows that they are all immutable characteristics of God.


Hidden Prohecies in the Psalms by J.R. Couch

A timely book that was authored in 1986, Couch proves that the prophecies were not restricted to Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, etc.


The Cause of God & Truth by John Gill

  This is another book that should be in every true student of the Bible’s library.  

  Gill explains a lot of scripture that has been taken out of     context by both historical and contemporary preachers.  

  His correct interpretation proves that God is sovereign and not man.


The Potter's Freedom by James R. White

  This book is an answer to Norman Geisler’s book “Chosen But Free?  

  In it, White clearly rebuts the errant interpretation by Arminians of specific scriptures.


Original Intent-The Courts, the Constitution, & Religion by David Barton

This is an important book that needs to be read by every American. Since 1947 we have been deceived into believing an intentional misinterpretation of the First Amendment. Mr. Barton clearly explains the truth about the First Amendment and how the liberals have perverted this truth to their advantage in their quests of removing God from the American people.

Deceived on Purpose by Warren B. Smith—

This is one of several books that expose the false teachings of Rick Warren with his perpetual “purpose” agenda that is too unbiblical.  Churches should veer from anything Rick Warren espouses or promotes. This book clearly tells why from a biblical point of view.

Deceived on Purpose by Warren B. Smith—

 This is one of several books that expose the false teachings of Rick Warren with his perpetual “purpose” agenda that is too unbiblical.  Churches should veer from anything Rick Warren espouses or promotes. This book clearly tells why from a biblical point of view.

God’s Indwelling Presence by James M. Hamilton, Jr.—

  This is the best book I have read on the Holy Spirit.  He defines and details the work and purpose of the Holy Spirit as

  He is clearly active in both the Old and the New Testament.

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