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Problems with Episcopal Worship Services

Looking at what people worship can never be separated from looking at how people worship. Or vice versa. Easily it can be seen that within the Episcopal Church there lies many innate characteristics, since being born out of the Roman Catholic Church. Almost without introduction one has to but briefly glance inside a modern structured Episcopal Church in America to observe the grandiose of the worship service. Again, not far removed from Roman papacy is the rector/priest piously walking down the aisle to center stage. Noticeably, be it a building of modern architectural design or the more primitive of structures, the pivot-point for the Episcopal/Roman Catholic priest is the altar. Again, this is synonymous with the pagan worship services of the Roman Catholic Church. Does God expect His people to employ altars for Christian worship? Or, do altars give the parishioners the feeling that "they have worshiped?" Well, maybe they have worshiped, but worshiped what? Have they earnestly sought the will of God or have they obeyed the "doctrines and commandments of men?"

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