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Universalism at the Funeral Parlor

(a 1st hand view/opinion)

As long as I can remember going to funerals, I can never remember a preacher mentioning the depraved and lost status of the deceased.  In fact, many of the “viewers” to the casket can even be heard saying “he looks so peaceful’ or “he’s in a better place now” or “I am sure that he is looking down on us.”  Certainly, this is not saying that everyone who dies goes to hell but neither is it saying that everyone who dies goes to heaven, either. People just want to be optimistic at the funeral of a friend or loved one.  When someone has reached the point of no-return, we want to think that heaven is that point.


Scripture is very clear on who enters heaven and who goes to hell.  Jesus Christ taught about both but warned of eternal consequences (hell) more than heaven.  The universalist at the funeral home is wrong. They have been misled by preachers or their own thinking.  Another dangerous misunderstanding is that “everyone deserves to go to heaven” as the late Dallas Willard preached.  The biblical truth is that no one deserves heaven. The Bible is replete with scripture describing man in his natural state.  He “hates God.” He is “evil continuously.” He “doeth no good.” “All have sinned.” “Out of the heart of man come evil thoughts.”  The list is on and on of man’s condition. Those who preach to “Smile, God loves you” also mislead the people. Yes, God loves His children but it is not a reckless, blind love.  He specifically loves His children. In fact, scripture says that “He hateth the workers of iniquity.” It says that “Jacob I have loved but Esau I hateth.” There is not a universal love of security for everyone who dies.


It is too often taught that when Jesus Christ died on the cross that He covered the sins of every single person that ever lived or will live.  If that is true then why are sinners in hell? The atonement of universalism does not fit the efficacy of the cross. The Triune God of salvation is specific in who is saved and no one is lost Whom God has chosen unto salvation.  If He would have wanted to save every single person then He would have done so and there would be no mention of hell in the Bible. It would have been a moot point.


Man, however, is not without personal responsibility, though.  We are told to “repent.” We are told to “believe.” But in our natural, unregenerate condition we cannot do that of ourselves.  It is God the Holy Spirit Who must work that in us. And He does not do that only to have some reprobate refuse it. The Triune God works in perfect harmony to an individual’s salvation.  God chooses, Jesus Christ atones and the Holy Spirit regenerates. He does not wait on man to have faith and believe then regenerate. Salvation is not synergistic but monergistic.


The next time you look at the body in a casket do not be fooled into thinking that is an automatic doorway to heaven.  But the next time you look into a casket ask yourself, “What about me? Where do I stand before a Sovereign and Holy God?”


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