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Anti-Israel Hypocrisy of U.N


In a recent article in the Israel My Glory magazine (UN Criticizes Israel's Policy Toward Illegal Immigrants, by Arutz-7, Israel National, Israel My Glory, March/April 2014) the author wrote of criticism by the U.N. of Israel's law regarding illegal immigrants. It seems the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is opposed to the fact that Israel is upholding its own laws. Maybe that is why the US is so "scared" of properly enforcing its own sovereign laws for fear of some pretend- to-be intelligent person criticizing us for doing what is best for us and not what works for those who choose to break laws by crossing borders then by breaking laws once they get here! Does this same individual criticize Iran for holding boundary violators in prison while accusing them of spying? Of course not! Perhaps if Israel would do the same thing as Iran and other Islamic countries by imprisoning and falsely accusing incidental border crossings by innocent people then she would remain silent on illegal immigration. Not hardly! By the obstinate criticism from the U.N. it is clear that immigration is not the real issue but only a catalyst to show more disdain for the land that God called "the apple if His eye." The real issue is the hatred of Israel by the U.N., including the United States! Still, another example of how the world attempts to decide what is best for Israel without considering what God has planned through promises for Israel. Simply, more double-standard hypocrisy by the anti-Israel, anti-God United Nations which the United States fully supports!

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