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What does the Bible say about love and salvation

A Look at Salvation as Outlined in Ephesians 2:8-9

Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”


Where does the emphasis normally get placed when one reads this verse?


Where does the emphasis need to be placed when one reads this verse?


Although this verse can stand alone it can be helpful to read verses that both precede and follow it.


Chapter 1

 Verse 4 – chosen before the foundation of the world

 Verse 5 – predestinated unto the adoption according to the good pleasure of His will

 Verse 6 – He has made us accepted

 Verse 7 – we have redemption through the blood, the forgiveness of sins and His grace

 Verse 8 – He has given us wisdom and prudence

 Verse 9 – He made known His will towards us

 Verse 11 – we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated… after the counsel of His own will


Chapter 2 – how does chapter 2 begin? And

Verse 1 – we were dead (a quick review of scriptures describing man will help us understand this)

Verse 2 – we were influenced by Satan and children of disobedience –Walked—not idle but active

Verse 3 – we were lustful and weak and had a nature of children of wrath

Verse 5 – we were dead


Look at Romans 8:5-7

Look at I Corinthians 2:14


Then what happens and by Whom?  Ephesians 2:4 “But God.” Why did He love us?  Because He predestinated us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ.


But does scripture say that we are saved by:

Provers 3:5 – Trusting in God

Mark 8:34 – Following Christ

Luke 13:3, 5 – Repenting

Acts 2:38 – Repenting and being baptized

Acts 8:37 – Believing

Romans 10:9 – Confessing and believing

Romans 10:17 – Hearing


So, what about James 2:19?


Then, how are we saved?  


What is the singular neuter demonstrative pronoun in this verse and does it matter?

McClarty paper      demonstrative points to the antecedent and it must agree in number and gender


Grace (F) Not of yourselves


Saved (M)       and THAT it is a gift


Faith (F) no man can boast


Faith never precedes regeneration.

Therefore, salvation is ALL of God and man has no initial or final decision with it.

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